
     The Prometheus Class Starship represents the most advanced, cutting-edge design concept in the fleet.  A long-range ship intended to carry an offensive to the very doorstep of a hostile force, the U.S.S. Glory is a response to an increasing number of recent threats to the safety of the Federation.  Designed to utilize the revolutionary "multivector assault mode," the U.S.S. Glory can deliver crushing force against a hostile threat during its attacks.  In effect, the U.S.S. Glory can become three ships, each operating semi-independently and in concert with the other components. [1]



     The multivector assault mode is the most unique feature of the Prometheus Class.  Tactically unique within STARFLEET, this remarkable technological breakthrough allows the single starship to function as three separate spacecraft, outmaneuvering, and outflanking a larger hostile vessel.  In order to support the complex systems, the U.S.S. Glory carries the most advanced computer systems currently available.  This vessel also boasts state-of-the-art control systems, an advanced sickbay, a ship wide holoemitter array, ablative armor hull plating, and regenerative shielding.  The control systems are so advanced, a crew as few as four people can operate the ship from the bridge. [1]



     When the Odyssey was destroyed in late 2370, war with the Dominion looked inevitable.  TacFleet took a frank assessment of their position and the results did not bring them comfort.  Dominion polaron weapons had easily penetrated the Odyssey’s shields and the few times the ship could target and hit a Jem’Hadar vessel, even the Type X phaser was surprisingly ineffective.  TacFleet knew that the Federation needed a vessel designed for one purpose - to hunt down and destroy any known starship. [2]


     TacFleet knew that such a vessel would seriously upset the balance of power within the Alpha Quadrant, as well as possibly threaten the embryonic alliance forming.  It was decided to develop, construct, and test the vessel in secret.  TacFleet provided funding to Starfleet Intelligence, who could provide the secrecy needed.  Boeing-Mitsubishi’s Phantom Works was named prime contractor, as they had experience in building “black” projects for Starfleet. [2]


     There was some debate about what to classify the ship. Battlecruiser was considered, but it was worried this might “tip the hand”.  Instead, the long-discussed Tactical Cruiser nomenclature was assigned. [2]


     There has yet to be a design as radical as the Prometheus Class Starship, which introduces the concept of “Multi-Vectored Attack Mode” to starship design.  The Prometheus Class Ship can split into three separate warp-capable tactical platforms that can then attack a target from three separate angles.  Though the two classes look similar, the Prometheus and Intrepid classes share little similarities beyond dimensions.  The Prometheus Class employs the latest in federation automation systems and therefore requires a markedly small crew for her size.  The vessel incorporates a very small medical staff, assisted by a new Mk II Version of the Emergency Medical Hologram first deployed on the Intrepid and Sovereign classes.  Holoemitters located throughout the vessel allow these EMH’s to travel anywhere they are needed.  Facilities aboard allow for the embarkation and training of Marines and other ground forces, as such a vessel is a natural for Assault and interdiction duties. [2]


     The Prometheus Class is the first since the Peacekeeper Class to mount four nacelles, and unique amongst vessels in mounting three separate warp cores.  In normal flight mode, only the two directly feeding the upper and lower nacelle pairs are in operation.  Only when the ship splints into MVAM does the third core, mounted between the two impulse engines, come on-line.  The two cores and four nacelles result in the fastest speed ever attained by a Federation starship - a stupendous Warp 9.999.  The ship is designed for a constant cruise speed of Warp 9.9, easily making it the fastest ship in the Fleet. [2]


     The U.S.S. Glory mounts the latest in Federation weaponry.  She literally bristles with thirteen Type XII phaser strips, and six Mk. 90 torpedo launchers.  This makes her the most powerful vessel in known space, even when compared to the mighty Akira Class Battlecruiser.  Shielding is provided by the FSS system with ablative hull armor though remarkably, the FCE-2 cloak system has not yet been fitted.  The Romulan Star Empire is still smarting over the inclusion of the system in the Galaxy III and Griffon Classes and at this time Starfleet does not wish to raise diplomatic hackles.  However, space and infrastructure for the generators exists and they can be installed into any vessel of this class in a matter of days. [2]


     Balancing the output of the two cores into four nacelles is a highly complicated procedure.  The Prometheus Class mounts the most powerful shipboard computer system, the M-16, which is also being used on the Galaxy (II), Intrepid, and Sovereign classes. [2]


     Boeing-Mitsubishi’s Phantom Works was contracted to build the prototype vessel.  Construction was done at a special sealed dock at Deep Space Five, which is located in a secluded spot of the Federation.  All components were sent to Utopia Planita, and then shipped on special freighters to Deep Space Five for assembly. [2]


     The Original prototype, the U.S.S. Prometheus, was laid down in January of 2371 and completed in November 2374.  Though security regarding the project was tight, the Romulan Empire learned of her existence.  Agents of the Tal Shiar hijacked her on her first test flight and attempted to return her to Romulan space.  Incredibly, both the Prometheus' EMH and the EMH from the starship U.S.S. Voyager (at the time thought lost with all hands) were able to incapacitate the hijackers and assist the Federation pursuit force against three Romulan D'deridex Class Warbirds.  The vessel was heavily damaged in the engagement, and returned to Utopia Planitia for repairs and additional tests.  The ship did not see service during the Dominion War, as her possible loss or capture was considered too much of a risk.  The ship continued to be tested and developed, and was finally commissioned into service in 2376 and given the NCC of 74913.  The Dominion War and other threats have warmed STARFLEET Command to such a class of vessels and funding for additional ships has been fought for by TacFleet.  However, both the Klingons and the Romulans have expressed serious issues with the idea of a fleet of such powerful ships in service, and so far only a few ships and the original prototype are in service. [2]




Ship Specifications (Merged Configuration) - Canon



    Length Overall: 415.0 meters [1][2]

    Beam Overall: 170.0 meters [1][2]

    Draft Overall: 113.0 meters [1][2]



    Standard: 850,000 metric tons [2] to 2,500,000 metric tons [1]



    Warp Engines:

        4 LF-50 Mod 1 Advanced Linear Warp Drive Units [1]

        1 LF-12X Mod 2 Compact Linear Warp Drive Units [1]


    Impulse Engines:

        3 FIG-5 Subatomic Unified Energy Impulse Units [1][2]


    Maneuvering Thrusters:

        QASR-2 Particle Beam Maneuvering Thrusters [2]


    Reaction Control System Type:

        “Trentis IV” Pulsed Laser Reaction Control System [2]



    Cruising: Warp Factor 9 [1][2]

    Maximum Cruising Speed: 9.8 [2]

    Maximum: Warp Factor 9.99 [1][2]


Acceleration (Times in Seconds):

    Rest - Onset Critical Momentum: 4.12 sec[1]

    Onset Critical Momentum - Warp Engage: 0.54 sec[1]

    Warp 1 - Warp 4: 0.63 sec[1]

    Warp 4 - Warp 7: 0.76 sec[1]

    Warp 7 - Warp 9.99: 5.08 sec[1]


Crew/Passenger Complement:

    Officers: 41 [1][2]

    Crew: 100 [1][2]

    Passengers: up to 50[2]

    Total: 141 (191 Maximum)



    RAV/ISHAK Mod 3 Warp Celestial Guidance System [1][2]



    M-16 Bio-Neural Gelpack Isolinear III Processor with LCARS interface software [1][2]



    Phaser Banks/Arrays:

        13 Type XII Collimated Phaser Arrays [1][2]


    Photon Torpedoes:

        3 Mk 95 Direct-fire Photon Torpedo Tubes [1][2]



    Deflector Systems

        FSS Primary Force Field and Deflector Control System [1][2]


    Cloaking Device: Not currently installed*


Life Support:

    Gravity/Atmosphere Systems:

        MM6 Modular Gravity Unit [2]

        AL4 Life Support System [2]


Embarked Craft:


        2 Type 6 Personnel Shuttlecraft [2]



        4 Type 16 Shuttlepod [2]




“Star Trek: Voyager - Message in a Bottle”

[1]Star Trek Starship Spotter (By Adam "Mojo" Lebowitz and Robert Bonchune) ISBN 0-7434-3725-X

[2]Ships of the Star Fleet, Vol 1 - 2377-2378 (By Chris Wallace) - www.asdb.net/asdb/docs/sotsf/SOTSF1.pdf

*Special thanks to Alex Rosenzweig for his assistance in gathering this info

"The dedication plaque present on this website was created using a template by Robert Siwiak for the online RPG Star Trek: A Call to Duty. If you wish to obtain your own template, please visit ACTD's Advanced Starship Design Bureau."